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Competitor ONLY Entry


Competitor ONLY Entry

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  • What is typically involved in a rider confidence coaching session?
    There are two options available. Option one is a £97 power hour. This is for riders who know they have a specific issue and would like to work through it with Alex. This is most suited to individuals who have experience of using Confidence Coaching and have a specific plan in mind. A power hour involves completing a questionnaire prior to the session detailing your aims and objectives. We will then get together either in person or online and have an intense hour together achieving your personal goals. For example you may have a goal to plan your competition season whilst keeping confidence high. This would involve a session using goal setting strategies. On the contrary you may have a specific event coming up which you feel pressure about. In this case we would spend the hour using mindset techniques to abolish the nerves and teach you a few tools to take with you to the event. Option two is £115 for one to one Rider Confidence Coaching Session. This is a fully comprehensive session involving a 1/2 hour consultation in which we discuss the problems you are currently facing in depth. After the consultation your session will be planned. We then meet for an hour and a half to work through the planned session together. As one example this might look like half an hour of coaching reframing an issue, 1/2 hour of visualisation followed by 1/2 hour of goal setting together to make sure you have a plan to follow up. As a second example a different issue might require a deep dive into the practical steps needed to improve OR as a third example a rider may need to work on core self esteem issues and would spend the time fully supported whilst working through exercises to do that.
  • How much does confidence coaching cost?
    Typical session is £115. See above for example of what is included.
  • How many sessions might I need?
    Each person brings with them an individual problem. If an issue is very specific it can be resolved in one to two sessions. If the issue currently at the forefront is held in place by deeper issues which need addressing you can expect 3-5sessions. We do also offer membership options for longer term support. In our experience most clients do not fully understand there current issues with confidence and need to work out the root causes. We offer a FREE 45 strategy call which will allow you to have a clear understanding of how to get from unconfidence and unhappy to confidence and fulfilled.
  • What is Neurolinguitic Programming [NLP]?
    NLP looks at the way your brain interprets the signals it receives and in turn how these interpretations affect your actions. If we can change your focus, we change your thoughts, we change how you feel and ultimately we change your actions. NLP can be used effectively on its own or in conjunction with other therapies as we do here at Coaching for Confidence. It is primarly used to treat phobias, but is also amazingly effective to help change negative thought patterns or create new more enticing habits!
  • What is sports psychology?
    Sports psychology looks at how your physical performance, your riding in this case is intrinsically linked to your mental wellbeing. At Coaching for Confidence we use the sports Psychology to take a holistic approach to understanding the whole picture of horse and rider combination.
  • What is hypnosis?
    Hypnosis is simply a state of heightened focus which allows you to mentally absorb new suggestions and ways of thinking on a much deeper level than during day to day activity. At coaching for confidence we use hypnosis to strengthen and speed up the process of change for a client.
  • How much is a hypnosis session?
    Our hypnosis packages are thorough and designed to leave long lasting change. You will not receive a generic recording instead a personalised and well planned session which has been designed to create maximum impact for the issues which have been discussed. 1. Hypnosis for Change Package. £197 This involves a 45mins consultation. During this consultation we will discuss the issue in depth. We will find your mind's current strategy for dealing with any issues and discuss how you would like to be feeling instead so that we can be sure to create the most compelling change for you. Your LIVE hypnosis which can be done in person or online will last roughly one hour. Afterwards you will have a debrief with Alex to discuss the next steps and what to expect over the coming days. You will receive two personalized recordings. One which is designed to be used on the go and is a quick reminder of your new ways of thinking and acting. The second is a longer session designed to help you reach full focus and make strong changes.
  • What is time-line therapy?
    Time Line Therapy removes limiting beliefs and negative emotions attached to past events which allows powerful personal growth. Examples of painful emotions include anger, rage, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt, and remorse. Time Line Therapy produces long lasting results with little discomfort. Both negative emotions and limiting beliefs affect our daily lives above and beyond riding and all of our clients have found this therapy to create profound changes for them above and beyond their riding confidence.
  • How much does a time-line therapy session cost?
    Time-line therapy can be booked as a one off £97 for one hour following a previous coaching session so we already know and have worked upon the root causes and have one specific limiting belief or negative emotion we want to work with. OR if you are starting from the beginning it is suggested you book the Time-line therapy for change package which is £347. This package is designed to create life-long powerful changes. It is 6hours of therapy which can be taken at the clients own pace, recommended is one hour a week for 6weeks. Homework in the form of action steps and accountability is given in between the sessions.
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